During the first week after bleaching, it is best not to shampoo. Use NIUCOCO's Smoothing Conditioner to clean hair instead - as our conditioner have some cleansing properties.  You’re probably not adding a lot of product to your hair at this point so a deep shampoo is not necessary.

After the first week, you can introduce shampoo back into your life. Use a gentle low lathering, sulfate-free shampoo the first week after bleaching. Make sure your shampoo does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate; these are powerful degreasers and are just too harsh for over processed hair. NIUCOCO’s Hydrating Shampoo cleanses hair without stripping your natural sebum – needed for healthy scalp and strands. Be gentle when you shampoo and don’t rough towel dry. The added strain on the hair can lead to further damage.

Avoid heat styling for the first few weeks. Heat styling can remove added moisture from the hair strands. At this point, your straw-like hair wants to keep all the moisture it can in the strands. Although not recommended, if you have to heat style, make sure to use a thermal protectant like NIUCOCO’s Renewing Serum. 

What do Stylists think of Coconut Oil?

Coconut Oil Treatments are your new best friend! Bleaching doesn’t just break down melanin and the cuticle structure, but also the fatty acids within the hair and other integral hair proteins – causing that straw-like feeling.

To add fatty acids back into the strands, use coconut oil treatments. Coconut oil is one of the only oils that has been scientifically proven to penetrate strands, thereby nourishing parched, damaged hair. Only use extra virgin, cold pressed, unrefined coconut oil, like that found in NIUCOCO's Renewing Serum, as it maximizes the coconut oil’s benefits and ensures that the naturally occurring phytonutrients are intact; it contains a superior lauric acid content, the main fatty acid that comprises coconut oil, than other types of coconut oil. 

To maintain your hairs moisture add a pea-sized amount of coconut oil to your hair to give it some extra nutrients or apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner to hair.